Thursday, November 6, 2008

I Did It Myself!

As we were getting ready to head out for a walk the other day, 3-year-old Brady disappeared for a few minutes. Out he comes as proud as a peacock with shoes and socks on -- which he very recently started doing independently.

I didn't have the heart to tell him that not only were they my socks and not his, but they weren't matching... and he found them on top of the dirty clothes pile. My little guy is growing up and I didn't want to squash his newfound pride so out we went -- in dirty, non-matching mom socks.

What would you have done?


Ramona said...

Too cute! You really must save this one to show the first undesirable girlfriend. Pretty good for 3 years old! What would I do? Spray his feet with room Febree and off we go!

Rebecca Lily said...

Oh we would have TOTALLY gone out!!!! Who could squelch that pure joy of accomplishment??? :) That is adorable. Love how the velcro is all loose. :)

Sarah said...

What would I have done? Exactly what you did! Much more important to be a cheerleader for this then the fashion police.

Tisra said...

Same thing! Good job, Mama. And, YAY B!

Anonymous said...

I think you dressed him and don't want to admit you have no taste...that is too cute...Brady is such a crack up!!!