Friday, January 16, 2009

And Now a Public Service Announcement...

Secondhand Smoke Kills
If this little face -- and his recent asthma ICU visit -- doesn't convince one person to stop smoking... I don't think anything will.

Just sayin'.


momwithfaithandhope said...

Great shot and great message. That kid of yours is so stinkin' cute! The profile shot is yummy! from his eyes to his nose, those cheeks, and even his perfect ears!

Sarah k said...

Hey hon,
In order to assist you, I will be keeping this very necessary post even more necessary by the following.
I was raised in a smoker's house. I was teased as a child because of it and now that I am in my adult years (thought I was going to tell my age huh?) I have now developed asthma and I believe it is from second hand smoke. I didn't have breathing problems until shortly after I moved from the smoke. My mom, in the last couple of years has finally stopped smoking and now has CPOD and asthma herself. This is a real topic and a real problem. But quitting smoking is a real problem too. What I had to realize was that I couldn't expect my mom or others to quit smoking for me if they didn't care enough about self preservation because the "drug" had convinced them of invisibilities beyond natural man, how could I convince her that my asthma came from the "NON-problem"? Thank for sharing this post however. I just wanted those reading to get another angle on how real of a problem choosing a vice such as smoking is. The tobacco industry has done a lot of damage, and the reality is that many don't believe that this is true. I am glad that your precious son is ok. And Tif is right, the picture is perfect.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear God! I quit smoking in 1991 and this picture even makes me feel guilty that I ever smoked! Forgive me Brady......

Ramona said...

Did you ever notice smoke as much as you do now that you have an asthmatic? It's incredulous to me the places I run into it...Disneyland, hotels. Have to take the long way every time.

Puck said...

I find that many smokers are addicts and don't get or care about how they are affecting others. I would love to see a huge tax placed on smokes. My rights to breath clean air outweighs other's rights to kill themselves and others.

Anonymous said...

I'm sending that to my brother who is a smoker. Powerful.