Saturday, February 14, 2009

Don't Read This Post!

On this Valentine's Day, a message to my husband...

Dear Jeff,

You're upstairs getting another half hour or so of sleep. I don't know what time you came in from work last night, I just know Lucy was up at 3:30 not feeling well and you went in and closed the door to her room to let me sleep. I'm glad I heard her and forced you to go to bed, because that little lady with her stuffy cold and cough had no intentions of going to back to bed.

While husbands around the world are scrambling to buy chocolate (don't want that) and spend an astronomical amount of cash on wilting flowers (please no), you are once again missing out on a weekend at home with your wife and family to be at work by 10 a.m. A freelance editor in a recession would be insane not to take work when it's offered -- it could all be gone tomorrow.

While I won't see a romantic dinner or sip on champagne tonight -- no idea when you'll walk back in the door -- I woke up this morning to hot coffee and a clean dishwasher -- both of which you took care of in the wee hours of the morning. And instead of dragging three semi-sick kids out in the rain today, you've already taken care of the fridge filled with groceries.

Yesterday, while I was working from home... you surprised me with lunch just when I was feeling my most ravenous. That to me is so much more than any place that requires reservations. You make sure I know every day how much you love me and how beautiful you think I am. While our date nights may be few and far between, it's the every day things you do for me that show how romantic you really are.

While I'm disappointed we won't have the chance to spend time together on this Valentines Day, I know there's a day in March you're scheduled to have off and we will spend it together doing something... anything... together. Anyone can spend Valentines Day together but only we could rock the romance on St. Patrick's Day, right?

I think Valentines Day exists to remind us to pay attention to those we love. We all could use a reminder of that from time to time. So this post is my gift to you.

I love you and I miss you. Would you be my valentine?

PS: While I type this, Brady is screaming in devastation that his tower of waffles has fallen down, Lucy is climbing all over me after using vanilla yogurt as hand lotion, and Jacob is running around the house with Lucy's "papi," making her crazy. All while I sound like Harvey Fierstein, demanding order with my less-than-effective sore and scratchy throat. The whole scene is leaving me second guessing myself. I think it's you who has the better end of the deal today.

PPS: If you're not my husband and you're reading this, even though I instructed you not to... you might as well tell me what you're doing to celebrate today!


Anonymous said...

It's sweet that you think Jeff's getting the better half of the bargain.
I could give you notes on all of the parenting you did in the last 12 hours and ask you to make the changes in about an hour if you'd like to even things out.

Happy Valentine's Day. My Valentine got up at 5:30 to go pull a 12 hour shift because she's married to a freelancer.

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

I'm Busted! Did you really think you could post and I wouldn't read it??? You know this blog is how I keep up with my wonderful friend and her amazing family! Wonderful sweet letter to Jeff! :) As for our Valentine's Day it is going to be Valentine's night. Bobby was up and out of the house by 4:45 am this morning and will return home at best about 6 pm tonight. The children and I will have a nice meal waiting and some small valentine's gifts and spend a couple hours together as a family and take some pics and then Bobby will collapse into bed and I will follow after getting Noah down and some defrag time on the internet! It is short simple valentine's but like you I am so so thankful my hubby cared enough to work so hard to care for his family! Granted things are really rough right now and with 2 jobs it is still rough, but does he complain, nope, he just gets so upset that he can't seem to do it. Gotta love these men! :)

Noah's mama

Becky, Drew and Luci said...

I helped the hubby lay a hardwood floor in our new bedroom today. He then took both girls over to his parents house for dinner and I am left (blissfully) ALL BY MYSELF!
Ahhhhh! I love Valentine's Day!

Dawn said...

We went to look at furniture. We bought new living room stuff and saw more options for our boys' room. My daughter hosted a Sleepover last night, so I should be in bed already, but I am just now heading there!

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head. Good marriages are built on small details, not grand gestures.

Jeri said...

I read this the day (or maybe the next day by email) that you wrote it. I'm always so behind on post, but wanted you to know I tagged you here: because I really don't how to do links! =)
I love your post and the way you write.

Anonymous said...

Yogurt as hand lotions -- so something my Rosa would have done!