This week, I worked my butt off, went to countless school meetings, shifted some money around and paid some bills, commuted in two-hour traffic (twice), refereed fights over things like who got the red milk cup, gave breathing treatments, finished projects late night, skipped my workouts (going on six weeks), and spoke with my husband only through instant message about things like pacifiers and empty milk cartons.
But that gem of a mom who dropped eight kittens, I mean babies, a few weeks ago -- bringing the grand total of her brood to 14?
Yeah, she got her nails done while my hard-earned money paid for her kids.
THANK. YOU. I legit feel like I'm the only person out here in MA/ME who is pissed about that!!!!
Here's what I'm thinking...the octo-breeder is a nutcase and yes we all have shaggy eyebrows, dishes piled up, too many and too few clients at the same time, ignored husbands, crabby kids and no chance to take care of ourselves but would you FOR EVEN A SECOND trade places with that nutcase?
Yes, the issue is that she's on welfare while we pay for it but when all is said and done that's not such a swanky sitch despite it's growing appeal.
She's a crazy, universally despised and mocked pariah with 14 neglected kids, a bloated uterus and nice nails.
She can keep it.
I totally agree. What annoys me the most is that she's saying she's psycho b/c she's an only child! Sorry...have to throw the only child thing in there being that me, my hubby and my son are all only children!
I completely agree. I want someone to want to write a book about me and pay me thousands of dollars. For doing nothing but breeding.
I just hope that someone is watching out for the children. There is no way that she can give all 14 children the love and support they need or deserve. (If she was she wouldn't have time to get her nails done.)
Initially, when the story first erupted I thought, "well, good for her if she can handle 8 kids at once." Then I found out she was single and had 6 others at home, so I thought,"Well...umm, she claims she can handle it and she says she's not on welfare, so who am I to judge, right?" and THEN I saw the interview of her and found out that she's actually on welfare and I thought, "Lying bi***! She's completely messed up! Those poor kids!" Won't be long before we see news coverage of how the kids were all taken away from her and living in foster care!
Of course the 14 little ones caused conversation around here but when it was announced that this mother was on public assistance WITH 3(?) children who already need additional care - WHOA! I say let that fertility doctor foot the bill. About him, he has another insuranceless pregnant woman in the hosptial for 3-4 months awaiting the birth of her quads. Guess who's footing THAT bill TOO????
yea, i feel sorry for the Californian's having to pay for her lavish lifestyle! HA!
What a joke! When i saw a picture of her getting her nails done i almost threw up! She makes me sick as it is.
This is what our BIG Government pays for i guess . . .
I feel so sorry for those kids. I hope CPS takes them and finds a better home.
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