Monday, July 13, 2009

Viva Lost Wages!

Jeff and I had a rare but much-needed opportunity to spend 48 glorious hours together kid-free. I won't tell you exactly where we went but let's just say we saw a lot of old people with oxygen tanks smoking cigarettes, enjoyed a couple of hours with Carrot Top (guilty pleasure), and could benefit from a garage sale to raise some funds.

Remember, what happens on The Silver Whining... stays on The Silver Whining.


a Tonggu Momma said...

We were child-free this weekend, too - from Thursday til Sunday! Doesn't get much better than that.

momwithfaithandhope said...

That picture of you is priceless! You look SO relaxed. Sounds like it was a great time!

Linney said...

man, i could use 48 hours child-free!!!

JackieMacD said...

I highly recommend it! And Tiff, yes I was veeeery relaxed. But don't let those red eyes fool you. The smoke in that place had me running for Visine within an hour. Can't imagine bringing kids like some had!

Ramona said...

Did you score? Money, that is. :-)

Mary Ellen said...

what i wouldn't give to have 48 child-free hours...