Wednesday, July 8, 2009

So I Have This Friend...

Picture this: You wake up after a few hours sleep, having had an extremely late night trying to make a deadline for the next day. You stumble into the shower, stopping only to take that itty-bitty estrogen pill that keeps you from road rage, child abuse and divorce court.

All is going relatively smoothly considering your exhaustion, when suddenly you notice the same bottle from which you took a pill earlier has moved downstairs into another bathroom. Confused and worried that the kids touched your prescription, you run upstairs to the original location.

There, in the bottle you had just dipped into -- anti-anxiety meds. You know, the ones that make you crash onto the bed with no notice. The ones prescribed to you a long time ago that have sit untouched well past the expiration date. And did I mention you've got two meetings and an important phone call beginning in a matter of minutes?

I mean, I can only imagine if one were to do that, it would be nuts. It's not like I would ever make such a silly mistake and spend the morning sucking down caffeine trying to pry my eyes open during meetings. Nah, that would never happen.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I laughed when I read the BIG mistake. Hope you were able to partially recover!

Sharyn said...

When I was pregnant with my son I was sick all day, every day. My doctor recommended Actifed to combat the post-nasal drip that aggravated my nausea. I'm a cheap date, so that one Actifed whacked me out for most of the day; in addition, I was whacked out anyway because I was so queasy and sleepless.

One morning, in my eighth month, I staggered to the kitchen cabinet and helped myself to... the dog's medicine.

Ruh roh.

Ironically, the one time I wanted to throw up, and tried valiantly to make myself, I couldn't.

Fortunately, the doctor assured me that the medication would cause no harm, but asked me to let him know if I suddenly developed a craving for Alpo.

JackieMacD said...

Thanks YM/W!
Sharyn, the last line of your comment is hysterical! Thanks for sharing that story. Glad you were ok!

ME said...

Ai that must be hard. TFS! Love it :)

Anonymous said...

I've been in some meetings where being unconscious would have been nice, lol.

autumnraina said...

Caffeine saves the day, hurrah!

I've done this too, which is why I now take all expired medication to the pharmacist with me whenever I pick up a prescription. The pharmacist can dispose of expired medication responsibly and I don't end up with a pharmacological wonderland in my bathroom cabinet!

Rebecca is Thrilled by the Thought said...

Oh my gosh! How awful!

momwithfaithandhope said...

Sorry, but I'm laughing as I type my friend. I shouldn't because I too, could one day very easily mix the two up! And there would be NO waking me up. . .

Hope you were able to salvage a part of the day!