Sunday, March 8, 2009


This is how the conversation went when I came downstairs after putting Lucy to bed.

"Boys, did you touch my computer?"
"No Mommy."
"Not me!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you... the evidence.


Anonymous said...

hahah aww how cute~ "nice~ verryy nice" haha very nice indeed :)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! So cute!!!

Bobbie said...

Ha Ha Hilarious! I have to agree Very Nice! SO cute.

Ramona said...

This is TOO funny! And what a brilliant idea! Whenever I leave my laptop for a minute, seems it's always on a different page than where I left it. Instead of threatening to look behind the culprit's ear (that's how I can tell if he's lying), I'll just leave the camera running!

Precious Wonders and Little Monkeys said...

ha ha ha ... That is some pretty condemning evidence boys... I think you're outta luck! It's funny when the little one pushes the bigger one with his shoulder but says "Ow" when he does it! fairly pc savvy aren't they? For my kids, I don't even ask anymore... if I think they did something, they just get consequences and I tell them it's because I'm not a mind-reader and if I have to fix something i didn't do all the time, then so do they! If I can't tell or I don't have proof, I'm sure not taking the "time" for the "crime" by myself. ha ha

Tisra said...

Looks like my house! Only all three of mine are usually doing a bit of a shove.


The Family K. said...

Ha! Caught redhanded. Before the clip ended, it looked like Brady was about to wreak revenge by walloping Jacob in the head. Doh!

Shirley H. said...

"Ahh.. Nice!"

so funny! feels bad if i don't comment on this.. lol~~~

Anonymous said...

I agree with "K" it sure looks like Brady is winding up and Jacob is about to get it as the clip ends.

Anonymous said...

OMG...That seriously was the most hysterical thing we have seen in a long time...I want you to know Traci has a horrible migraine and is laughing and trying not to move and wanting to see it over and over again because it is so hysterical!!!

Anonymous said...

Now that we have just watched it for the 50th time...and BTW tears are rolling down our faces because we are laughing so hard...that is a keeper!!!

momwithfaithandhope said...

OMGoodness! Busted is right! Guilty as ever. . .Great laugh to start my week! DL here we come!

Anonymous said...

I love it, it's a WWF smackdown computer style! With that said, I think both Jacob and Brady are getting dangerously close to being able to outmanuveur me on a computer... and Lucy is not far behind. Love this one!

Anonymous said...

Ah, motherhood in the 21st century.

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...


Noah's mama

Brandi said...

Gotta lov it when there is evidence!