People from all over this great nation are not only banding together to try to get our country back on its feet, but they're also joining forces right here at T-O. Jeff chose a state and I asked readers "where do you live?" (and even gave a second chance), offering the first person to answer from the chosen state an itunes giftcard.
After getting almost all 50 states to enter, it's time to reveal the winner. The state Jeff chose to win free music... Wisconsin! Congratulations to Essie, the Accidental Mommy! Email me at jackie@taiwan-on.com with your address.
Speaking of contests, I'm about six weeks in to my life as a consultant. And I'm busier than ever! I still don't know how every other mom does it -- I have list after list of things like 'call for swimming lessons for boys' and 'make cake for parent volunteer club' (oh no, that's TOMORROW?), I just never seem to get it to a point of being contained.
Anyway, I've been working to secure some really cool giveaways... and what kind of friend would I be if I didn't share them here? So if you want to enter to win FREE goodies (with pretty amazing odds, I must add), check it out:
• Are you a mean mom? The Meanest Mom -- fellow blogger and friend -- is hosting a contest for the second meanest mom! You could WIN a $100 Salon Wish gift card just for revealing what makes you so darn mean.
• Get your coffee on! WIN a Keurig gourmet single cup home brewing system and three months of FREE coffee! You can enter every day until supplies run out. All you have to do is read and comment on the day's featured blog.
• The dude behind the hard bodies of Halle Berry, Eva Mendes and Katherine Heigl wants to workout with YOU! Celeb trainer to the stars, Harley Pasternak is challenging you to Zip Up Your Jeans -- you could win a FREE TRIP TO LOS ANGELES (and see us while you're here.)
• WIN Elmo's new DVD "Being Green"!
• PLUS: If you're a blogger, here's your chance to have your post seen by thousands, maybe millions, of people! Join us at "Blogging Mamas" for details!
Wherever you live and whatever you're into, there's a group for you:
Momlogic Adoption
Boston Momlogic
SoCal Momlogic
We Heart Hungry Girl
and SO MANY more!
So which states never rose to the challenge? Vermont? My dad lived in Vermont for awhile before he married my mom and had us and he always said- when we'd look for out-of-state license plates- that Vermonters choose not to leave much... that they like it and stay. :-) (of course that has little to do with an online contest where they don't have to leave. Forgive my blabber)
Congrats on the new work!
Wow, that's so cool! I was reading blogs at night holding my eyelids open with toothpicks must. read. one. more...and barely remembered entering!
here it is:
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