Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Have a Boyfriend and I'm Not Ashamed

With Jeff working so much lately, a girl's got to get her affections somewhere, right? Well out of nowhere he appeared, happy to spend time with me. I just couldn't help myself and I'll admit -- I enjoy every second.

Don't judge me. I never planned it. It just happened.

My new affectionate love wants to have dinner with me every night and cuddle with me for hours. He even shares his feelings -- sometimes he even cries! I thought Jeff was the only evolved, emotionally available guy out there. But man, I was SO wrong.

I was fine going about my day, missing my husband who's been working 16-18 hour days. But when I recently started getting love notes -- "I love you" written on scraps of paper and left for me in random places -- and artwork, inspired by little 'ol me, I couldn't help but get giddy like a school girl. Don't deny it -- you would too.

He's only four, but I can't help thinking we have a beautiful future together.


Cambie said...

Awww, really sweet!

Anonymous said...

Does Jeff know about him...?????????

meow said...

lovely & lovable!!
so sweet.
gotta take it when you can, i say.
dont youjust love the love-notes?
i hope they nver go away.

Anonymous said...

I can relate!.. see for yourself...

Expecting Good Things said...

You sure know how to get our attention. Not that I really thought you had a guy on the side but I couldn't resist finding out 'who' it was. :) haha!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'd fall too. Who can resist being a muse?

Unknown said...

Does he have a brother?! What a lucky gal you are. . .I would have fallen for him too! Who could blame ya?

Anonymous said...

Ahh, that's so sweet. My son made valentines for his dad and I today and hid them in his desk. They're so cute before they hit the teen years.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet post! I feel that way about my 2 year old - daddy is always gone and my 2 year old is always happy to spend some time with mommy drawing me cute pictures and saying "wuv u mama"...