Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hurricane Hits California

Move over, Ike*... Hurricane Lucy has hit SoCal and is leaving no household item unturned. From emptying the dishwasher——which would be fantastic if the dishes were actually clean——to figuring out how to snap off baby-proofed door knobs... this girl knows what she wants and she ain't stopping 'til she gets it.

Today, she suddenly decided after a week filled with baths, hey, they're not so bad! Now we're just going to have to work on getting her to sit in a high chair and, oh I don't know, sleep. Baby steps... but we ARE indeed moving forward.

P.S. If you happen to link to my blog from yours, you may want to change the address to for it to work correctly. Thanks!

*This post is not meant to make light of all those who've suffered from the effects of any real hurricanes. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


Anonymous said...

Love the last picture! I forgot that you have this new blog address. I don't want to miss updates on the family and Lucy! :)

Take care,
Donna - mom to Nick

Anonymous said...

Soo happy to see smiles!!!!! Lucy looks like she's loving her home and having a great time. Maybe sleep is under rated. :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like she is loving her new home. Love the smiles.

Anonymous said...

congrats on your precious Lucy and adorable brood of boys! i've started reading recently and wanted to de-lurk to let you know how very happy i am for you and your family. she looks like an absolute joy and everyone's happiness is so evident in your pictures. thanks for sharing your story!

Rebecca Lily said...

Well, we knew she would be a firecracker when we found out she was climbing out of her crib at what, 4 months old??!!

Love the picture of mommy & daughter. :)

Ramona said...

Looking at their monkey antics, I'd swear Lucy and Jaden are related! They must have driven the SLC nannies crazy. What an absolute cutie Lucy is - can't wait to meet her!

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

I love all the pics! Especially the bottom one cuz it has you my friend in it! Sure do miss you after spending time together in Taiwan! :)

Noah's Mama

Megan said...

That is a precious picture of you and Lucy! She is so beautiful and has really come to life at your home. How lucky for her quiet sleeping...hope she doesn't kick too much too haha.
Hang in there things only get better.

Room for More said...

too cute! sorry bronchitis & asthma hit your home : ( Yes, climbing the dishwasher is a common one here. Thankfully, our girls are light, huh? I know your home is busy and costing some $$ these days (washing machine), but I know you are enjoying it all because your family is all home and whole! We are recovering from the 'real' Hurricane Ike. I hope to get to update the blog today. We were w/o power,water,phone,internet for over 5 days! Praise God our home and family were spared, but it is a mess here in Houston. It's great to be back to check on you, Lucy, and your family! : )