Tuesday, August 12, 2008


UPDATE 8/13 6:55 p.m. It's still real! I barely slept last night...crazy with excitement! Tonight, it's all about booking flights, hotels, and collecting paperwork we'll need to bring on our travels.

Thanks for all the incredible comments! I so appreciate every one of you.

I'm sitting here writing a post about Middle Child Day when I got an email from our agency...

WE HAVE A TRAVEL DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We pick up Lucy on September 8th!!!!!!!

I am freaking OUT! Jeff is on his way home from work and I think I'll wait to tell him when he gets here. So while I will not post this until after I tell him, YOU are all getting me in the very moment I found out. THE MOMENT!!! I am the happiest mom alive! I can't believe it... we're going to bring Lucy HOME!

Thank you ALL for the incredible love and support... I don't know what we'd do without you! I have so many other posts in my head about gifts and thank yous and pictures and everything--I promise to get to all of it but, for right now... I am just living in this moment. Basking in this happiness and emotion.

Isn't this what people do when they win an Oscar...spew all of this emotional mumbo jumbo all over the place? Well, I have just won the Academy Award for parents. I have three beautiful children!! And they will be united after we pick her up in... (hold on, checking the calendar) 27 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I saw a shooting star this morning while I was out on a 5am run with my friend, Suzi...S, I didn't tell you this... but, at that moment, I knew it would be today.

P.P.S. OH NO! Maybe this middle child issue is real... I just hi-jacked the post all about him and made it all about his sister. CRAP!

P.P.P.S.: To my three children... I LOVE YOU! You are the most incredible gift and I thank God every single day that I am not only blessed to know you but that I have been chosen to be your mom. You make me proud. I look forward to the day where the three of you gang up on the two of us because you're so close and we're just so uncool.

Lucy, we're coming to get you, baby girl. Hold tight -- we're almost there. And when I get you in my arms, I'm not sure I'll ever let you go...

UPDATE: Jeff is home and the champagne is cracked! I don't imagine anyone is sleeping in this house tonight!


momwithfaithandhope said...

Congratulations Jackie!!! Something was just nagging at me to check e-mail one last time, and boy am I happy that I did!!!! Get ready girlfriend! We're coming down to visit in September for sure now!! I know, haven't we met?! LOL Enjoy this moment Jackie. You've been waiting a long time to "post" this news. Hugs to you and sweet, sweet, dreams! Tiff

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

I AM DOING A DOUBLE HAPPY DANCE HERE!!! :) Or maybe triple! You get Lucy, I get Noah and I GET MY PRAYER ANSWERED FOR US TO BE IN TAIWAN TOGETHER!!!! YIPEEE Thank you Jesus! :) I get to meet my friend, I get to meet my friend! OOOPS. sorry for that childish outburst, I now resume you to our normally scheduled adult comment! heehee Congrats girl! I KNOW you are just thrilled beyond words that the day has come! :)

Big big hugs
Noah's Mommy

Our Family said...

I am absolutely thrilled for Lucy and for your entire family. I only wish we were heading to SoCal next month! I'm sure we'll be able to get the girls together again someday!
Have a great time getting ready for the trip and a magical time picking up Lucy!!
Hugs, Lori

Anonymous said...

Screaming, Crying - my kids think I've gone NUTSO! I am so happy for you and the kids and Jeff and LUCY! She's finally going to be where she has belonged all along. I am jumping with joy for you that it is finally here.

Erica Kain said...

27 days!!! Wow, congratulations, that's wonderful! I wonder if it will feel short or long or both!

lorabelle said...

I'm sooooo freakin excited for you. It's like 6:30 am here in Indy and I'm trying to get the boys ready for their first day of school and WOW, I'm ready to crack open a bottle myself. I think after I drop them off perhaps?!
Jackie, I don't know what to say...
I have so many thoughts going through my mind right now. I'm thrilled for you. I might try to give you a shout later this morning! Congratulations Sweetie!

William's Family said...

Words can't express how happy we are for you and your family. You've waited a long time for this day. 27 days until the sweet hereafter finally begins.

Tamara said...


Less than 1 month till you get your sweetheart!!!! Hoooray!!! When you get a minute, send me your email, so I can send you the pic of our sweetheart!


Anonymous said...

I'm so HAPPY for you!!!! Enjoy this moment...you've been waiting for it for too long! Can't wait to see Lucy in your arms FOREVER this time!!!!!

Monica said...

YAY!! :-) Congrats!

Becky, Drew and Luci said...

Patience is a virtue, they say, but boy doesn't it suck?? So glad you'll no longer have to be patient...well, at least as far as WAITING goes!! So happy for you guys!! I've been reading your blog for months and I feel like I know you, so it was a truly exciting moment for me to read your post this morning! Congratulations on such wonderful happy news! Can't wait to see the "Gotcha Moment" pics!! Happy traveling and give all THREE of your kids hugs from me!

Sarah said...

My eyes are filled with tears I'm so excited and happy for you... and I'm laughing out loud at the middle child's hijacked post! Waahahaha!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for all of you. Lucy hold on your family will be with your family soon......

Lynn said...

Oh Happy Day!!!

Tisra said...

To the whole Mac family:


Happy tears flowing here! (grant is super happy, too!)

I don't have enough words to express what a joy this is... maybe later... but I just woke up.

Thrilled for you,
waiting for our 4th child, a daughter

The family of six said...

YIPPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for your whole family and especially happy for Lucy that she can come home! The days will go fast getting ready I bet! Congratulations!!!

Staci said...

Woo Hoo!! So happy for you and your family!

RP Mom said...

Congrats!!! I am at a loss of words (now that is something new -- me not being able to talk!!). I am so very happy for you guys ans we can't wait to meet Miss Lucy in person. Hang in there these next few weeks. Lets try and grab a drink to celebrate!! XO!

Anonymous said...

I guess when two people make the same wish it comes true. I, too, knew it would be the day. So cool you get to pick up Lucy with your friend. Congrats! Your bawling running pal-

Expecting Good Things said...

Oh Jackie!! I'm so happy for you! You waited SO long. You SO deserve this. I can't wait to follow your journey!! Lucy is coming HOME where she belongs.

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am thrilled for you all!!!!! I can't wait to see pictures of you and the family with your beautiful daughter!

Anonymous said...

Jackie, I stumbled across your blog, doing a search for Taiwan adoption agencys. I wondered if you could be so kind and email me? Your daughter Lucy is beautiful!!...I have a daughter lucy as well, she was adopted from Kazakhstan last summer (I think the Lucy part was what got me looking)...sorry for the random post..and congrats...my email is: julnol227@hotmail.com

Thanks, Julie

Sarah and Dan Sullivan said...

Thank thank thank thank thank the good Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so thrilled and happy for you. I think Lucy has touched so many hearts. I am so excited for you to FINALLY bring her home. Hurray!!!! Sarah Sullivan = )

Steve n Coco said...

Excuse me while I wipe the tears from my eyes-- what a way to start my day with such phenomenal news!!!!! So soon, so SOON!! Lucy will be right there with you.

Be blessed,

Dawn - AB Family said...

This is amazing news!!
The best news I have heard all year!
Can't wait to follow your travels to Lucy!!!
Hurray, Hurray!!


Karen Wells said...

WOOHOO! Congratulations! SO happy for all of you! We've been having such yucky news around here lately, thats its nice to finally get some GOOD news! She will be home in time to celebrate Brady's birthday! Sorry it didnt work out with a visit while you were home. I would have loved to see the you, Jeff & the kids. Next time you come home I will stop at NOTHING to see that sweet little girl!

Anonymous said...

THANK GOD...FINALLY! This is wonderful! I am so happy for you!!!! I know it has been a long, hard road and I have admired your strength and grace under pressure every step of the way. What a lucky little girl Lucy is to have such an amazing family!

Beth said...

I've been reading your blog for some time now and I was so happy to see this news for you!!! You've waited FAR TOO LONG, so it's about time you get to go get that sweet little girl. CONGRATS and I hope you have the best time ever!!! I'll be checking back for the Gotcha Day pics for sure!!


Yvonne Crawford said...

YAY!!! I'm so happy for you all

David and Janalee said...

I am so excited for you, I check your blog as often as my Taiwanese princess will allow me to ;).
What a great time for you and your family. Its been a long time coming and I just wanted to let you know how thrilled we are for you and especially for sweet Lucy.
Maya- Chung Yi Aug 2006

Amy, Ryan, Aidan and Lauren said...

Oh so happy for you!! Wonderful news. The time will fly by between now and then! Add us to the list of Agora fans if you need a hotel in Taipei for part of your trip. Let me know if you have any questions about that (or anything)! YAHOO!

Me said...

A beautiful little girl and no stretch marks.

Nice work.

Mel said...

Congratulations doesn't begin to cover the sentiments I am feeling for you guys!!!! This is just WONDERFUL news and I am SOOOOO HAPPY for you!!!!!! Finally, finally, finally, LUCY IS COMING HOME!!!! Wish I could give you the biggest (((HUG)))right now...instead I'll just cry my tears of joy here at the computer! =)

Kelly said...

I'm here via Andrea's blog (blogging Mama)...Congratulations on your good news...now I'm off to read your back story.
BTW, you'll be getting Lucy on my B-day...Happy day!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Im so happy for Lucy gets to come home soon! You must be overwhelm with joy, and you have a few weeks to pack (if you haven't already completed that task super MOM!) Keep us updated & I can't wait to follow your journey again, thanks for sharing!

Lori & Michael said...

Yay! The time has finally come!! I am so happy for you and can't wait to see pictures of the Mac family together at last. Congrats and have fun celebrating :)


Dawn said...

CONGRATULATIONS to you and your family!

Jbeeky said...

Congratulations Jackie! I dropped by to thank you for checking out my site but what a crazy coincidence we found each other! I am thrilled for you and yours!

Precious Wonders and Little Monkeys said...

You are hilarious! I LOVE this post... it is sooo real... I feel privledged to be here with you at this moment! Sweet travel planning and get some rest child...okay that's coming from someone who isn't going to sleep for days before our trip. ha ha Much love, Sara/Sofa

Rebecca Lily said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Oh Jackie!! TONS of happy dancing at our house today!! We are thrilled and anticipating those wonderful travel dates with you. :) Blessings!!


Tara said...

Congrats! I just found your site through another blog, and wish blessings for you and your family as your little girl finally comes home! The song for Lucy has me in tears--what a beautiful tribute.

Andrea said...

FINALLY! I am so happy for you. I know you are ready to get on the plane,now.
Can't wait to see your trip unfold. I feel like we should all have a party!


Anonymous said...

I'm truly happy for you and your family, Jackie.


Daria - Boutique Cafe said...

So very happy for you guys!! That is the BEST news I've heard in a long time. Congratulations!!