Saturday, April 12, 2008

Caption Contest Winner(s)!

I should not be the judge for my own caption contest—it's just too hard! Next time, I'm going to make Jeff do it...or the readers...but not me.

Tied for 3rd place...

Yvonne, who's waiting for her little sweetie in Taiwan.
"Uh, Dad I was really excited to go on the Adoption Ride, but I didn't realize it would take over 6months to finish."

and Monica, a cool college student in Missouri.
"Uh you think one of those doors can take us to Lucy's room?"

2nd place goes to Uncle Matt, who made me cry with...

(upon seeing lucy in person for the first time) "uh, Dad...she's more beautiful than we thought!"

And the winner of this week's caption contest is EMC aka Ellen who made me laugh out loud with...
"Uh, Dad . . . do you have the diaper bag?"

I thought they were all great and definitely plan to have more contests. They're fun to read! Thanks to everyone who entered. (and Yvonne, email me your address so I can send your prize. :)

1 comment:

Yvonne Crawford said...

I get a prize for 3rd place? Cool!!! :) You are so sweet, but you really don't have to.

Can you email me at:
And then I'll email you my address...I don't think I have your email address.

Please delete this comment as I don't want to be spammed. :)