Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Blog Happenings

The video for Song for Lucy has been seen over 2200 times on YouTube in the past week plus! Plus, I've seen it linked to on several blogs and even talked about on a China adoption message board. We are overwhelmed by the response!

Also, if you've sent me an email about our situation and whether we should visit Lucy or not... thank you! I'm having trouble with our outgoing server and sending emails. Sometimes it works... other times it takes hours—so please don't think I am not responding.

The caption contest is getting some hilarious replies! I am having fun reading the entries. Keep 'em coming! I will judge the responses this weekend so if you haven't commented with your entry, do it by Friday night.

The trip to Lucy looks like it's really happening! I have a lot of things to work out at home and such... but I will definitely let you all know when it's going to happen. I'll even be doing a daily video diary while I'm gone. The thought of holding our little girl in my arms is just too surreal. The idea of having to leave after seeing her is just something I can't even think about. So right now... I won't.


Rebecca Lily said...

Wow, Jackie, I just got caught up on your blog and this upcoming trip to Taiwan!! You are an amazingly strong woman to do this. I know you must be longing to finally hold her in your arms!! A dear friend of mine just adopted from Ethiopia - 2 children, a little boy and a little girl. When she went for her son, she was unable to take her daughter home, but she knew she would be spending time with her. Before she left, we talked about having to say good-bye. She could not even imagine how she would do it. But she came home HAPPIER and more peaceful that she had a chance to start that bond with her daughter. God gave her such a beautiful time with her little girl. I know He will provide that same positive experience for you and Lucy!!

Praying for you!

Tisra said...

Okay- I don't have the appropriate words, but Rebecca's comment was masterful! Praying for your family!

Yvonne Crawford said...

I second what tisra said. Praying for your family!! :)


Our Family said...

Good luck with your trip! I can't believe you're going and I can't wait to see and hear all about it! I'm so excited for you. It's great that you'll have someone to go with you. Have you worked out details like how much time you'll get to spend with Lucy?

Btw my grandma told she was 39 for several years before I finally asked how she could be 39 again, to which she replied it was rude to question a lady's age!


Josie said...

Hello Jackie,

My husband and I are considering adoption from Taiwan, and we came across your beautiful and inspiring blog. Lucy and her brothers are adorable! The song and video for Lucy are so touching...they made me cry! We are attending the Heartsent orientation class this weekend in Pasadena. I do not personally know anyone going through the adoption process. If you don't mind, we would really appreciate learning more about your experience with Heartsent. It would really help us make a decision about the agency.

Thank you very much!

-Josephine (Temecula, CA)

meow said...

WOwEEE!!! Amazing News Jackie!!
So happy Lucy is feeling better and back at SLC and YOU Are GOING!!
wow. I am speechless.
Happiness to you and your family.